
the artist's J.D.

"There are so many legal steps to think about—it’s overwhelming to even know where to begin."

Hi Reader!

"There are so many legal steps to think about—it’s overwhelming to even know where to begin."

Does that sound familiar?

If so, you’re not alone—trust me.

Running a creative business involves juggling lots of balls.

And it won’t come as a surprise to either of us–many of those balls we just wish we could drop and never touch again.

Sometimes it's because we don’t know where to start and the whole process feels overwhelming. Sometimes it’s because we just don’t enjoy the task all that much.

In either case (at least for me) those items somehow keep getting punted to the next day’s, the next week’s, the next month’s to-do list and don’t ever seem to get accomplished.

Over the past (almost) 15 years, I’ve worked with thousands of smart creatives.

Some of them are just starting to turn their hobby into a business and some are running six or seven-figure businesses.

But regardless of how long someone’s been running a business, I still hear the same frustrations and fears over and over:

  • "I’m embarrassed to admit to anyone that I don’t know what legal protections my business needs."
  • "I take my business seriously, but I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve ignored the legal side."
  • "Every time I think about legal stuff, I get overwhelmed and put it off. It’s a mental block."
  • "I don’t have the time to learn all this legal stuff—it’s just one more thing on my never-ending to-do list."
  • "I wish there was an easy way to handle all this legal stuff without feeling so overwhelmed."

This is why I published Legal Roadmap for your Creative Business, about two years ago.

  • To give you a roadmap of what matters most, without fluff.
  • To give you the confidence to move forward without confusing legal jargon.
  • To help you bust through your mental blocks, so you’ll finally feel like you have a handle on the legal side.

For the last few months, I’ve been working on updating and revising Legal Roadmap for your Creative Business. And I’m super excited about the cover that Elly Walton designed for the updated version. Today Elly and I are excited to share a sneak peek of the draft cover with you!

She’s finalizing it this week and I can’t wait to get the updated version in your hands on October 23rd. I’d love to hear your thoughts on any tweaks I should make to the content of the book.

Chat soon,

P.S. You can pre-order the updated version as a Kindle copy on Amazon.

❤️ Easy to understand legal resources should be available to every creative, regardless of their financial situation. If one of my resources has helped you and you would like to say “thank you”, you can make a contribution here. ❤️

the artist's J.D.

Giving creative business owners actionable and practical tools and resources to protect their ass(ets) without legal confusion. Ready to add ease to the legalese? Then subscribe below.

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